Why do I create my company now

This is a the first post of a new posts serie about how I am actually creating my company.

For people looking for gold advices, life-changing trick, I don’t think there would be anything like that here.

That would be more about how do I try to sail having really few information about the direction. A story, an adventure.


Why now?

I have been looking at how to create a company since I was 15. I am 28 now. I had many opportunities to do so but none of them seemed optimal.

When I was:

  • 15, teenager: I had crazy technical ideas without any technical or business skills. Parental pressure to have a good educational background was too high. 1% likely to succeed. Next
  • 21, student: My idea was more realistic and was consistent enough to not blasted by a simplistic counter argument. Still almost no technical skills and no idea about what a job would be. I needed to taste real life first. 3% likely to succeed. Next
  • 23, got my master degree: How do you know you really want to be an entrepreneur if you haven’t been an employee, how do you know which kind of boss you want to be not knowing which kind of boss you really don’t want to be. I needed ground experience. 3.5% likely to succeed. Still need to be patient.
  • 27, moving from France to UK, becoming a django dev: After 4 year in the financial world, I knew money was not my goal anymore, to do what I like was 10x more important. I could have create my company at that point but I still lacked fluency in web development. I had to be patient again. 5% likely to succeed
  • 28, being fired: I have been fired because I was working remotely and UK law doesn’t allow to do that so easily any more. I’ve got skills now, I’ve got a real idea with a growing market. I found people I’d like to create my company with and I would get french job allowance (because I’ve been fired) to pay my salary for few months. I got an international experience. Basically, all planets are aligned. I have got no baby, no house mortgage. 20% likely to succeed.

To be completely honest, the real inner reason should be something like I am bored to work for others, to not agree with company I worked for culture.

Now is just the right time for me.

Published: April 06 2013

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